Segni projects
ArchiveThe space dedicated to art projects, European cooperation projects, initiatives of Segni d’infanzia and in co-planning with other associations for dialoguing with new generations, thanks to funding from public and private entities. Below are the most important case histories realized in recent years.
For more information and to suggest a project
SEGNI New Generations Festival

The international festival of Theater, Art, Music, Performance of Segni d’infanzia Association that animates the center of Mantua dedicated to the New Generations, 18 months and up, for kids and grown-ups! Discover SEGNI New Generations Festival Every year, between October and November, Segni organizes its own festival, allowing very young children, young people and adults…
ForesTEEN, a pathway for building a resilient cultural ecosystem)

“ForesTEEN, un percorso di costruzione di un ecosistema culturale resiliente” (pathway for building a resilient cultural ecosystem) is a project made possible thanks to the contribution of Fondazione Cariplo, and aims in 2023-2024 to expand the cultural offerings in the Mantua area dedicated to young people. Through the connection and creation of a cultural ecosystem…
ForesTEEN 2023-2027: building a resilient European TEEN cultural ecosystem

After the experience of two European cooperation projects T.E.E.N. Theatre European Engagement Network (2016-2018) and TEEN Ambassadors across Europe (second step concluded in 2020), Segni d’infanzia Associazione ETS has obtained for the large scale project “ForesTEEN. Building a resilient European TEEN cultural ecosystem” co-funded. by Creative Europe, a European Union program aimed at promoting the…
Segni in Onda
Segni’s digital scene: videos, podcasts, workshops, interviews, animations and shows
Segni su misura
A space for co-planning between Segni and all organizations that would like to start a dialogue with the new generations
Segni production
All things produced and coproduced by the Association: shows, workshops and cultural events for children, teenagers and people of all ages.