Segni Project archive
Green Snowball Effect

BETWEEN MANTUA, BELLUNO AND VICENZA GREEN SNOWBALL EFFECT – GENTLE ACTIVATION PATHS OF THE GREEN GENERATION Mantua 19 January 2022 – For the cities of Mantua, Belluno and Vicenza, 2022 begins under the banner of a Green project conceived by the Segni d’infanzia association in partnership with Parco del Mincio, Atelier Teatro Danza e…
ANG InRadio – #EcosistemaCulturaleEuropa

Since 2019, Segni d’infanzia has been coordinating the young editorial staff of one of the regional antennas of the national network of digital radio stations created by Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani: 100 headmasters broadcasting from 40 provinces in 18 regions that inform and give voice to young people. With ANG InRadio Mantova – #EcosistemaCulturaleEuropa,…
E se diventi farfalla

Inspired by a line by Italian poet Alda Merini, the E se diventi farfalla (If you become a butterfly) project employs artistic language and creativity to combat educational poverty. In the period 2018-2022 Segni d’infanzia and other organizations throughout Italy have been and will be committed to developing formats for supplementary activities in nursery schools,…
20venti Segni all’improvviso

This project was initiated on the 15th Anniversary of SEGNI New Generations Festival in order to consolidate the cultural offer for young audiences in Mantua and its province, but it was partially postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic. Teatro all’improvviso and Segni d’infanzia give life to an extraordinary year-long programme of shows and events,…