Segni in Onda
Support usThe digital platform of Segni was born in 2020 during the pandemic with the intention of making the Festival possible during the lockdown. Since then, the Whale, the symbolic animal of the 15th edition of the Festival, has never stopped welcoming its audience into the virtual sea of Mantua.
Segni In Onda (lit. Segni in the waves/on air) hosts content throughout the year designed to enrich and stimulate the live cultural experience and freely offered thanks to the support of public agencies, patrons and sponsors.
Palinsesto ForesTEEN

Explore the ForesTEEN programming: participate in engaging activities such as talks, shows and screenings. Become a ForesTEEN Ambassador, share your opinion in the form of reviews or photos and earn points for exclusive trips of the theatre branch. Participate in creating the calendar by reporting an event you would like to be included in the schedule! Write us at or call 0376 752417. The project is addressed to young people between 15 and 25 years old and the cultural ecosystem related to them (parents, teachers, cultural operators).
Segni e la scuola

Discover the 'Segni' events open to citizenship of the Mantua City Council project "Generating the Future: from School to City"
Nabuzardan 2024

Mantua Carnival for families at Palazzo Te!
Feste della Luce 2023

Two events to think about Peace together with children.
SEGNI New Generations Festival 2023

The 18th edition of the Festival dedicated to theater and art for children, young people, families, schools, cultural workers and operators. Eight days with events, performances, workshops and discussion spaces of international level.
Aspettando SEGNI 2023

A series of events and workshops for adults and children to accompany the audience towards the 18th edition of SEGNI New Generations Festival.
NABUZARDAN 2023: Il Carnevale di Mantova per le famiglie

Nabuzardan has been for 25 years the Art Carnival aimed kids (but not only!) created by Segni d'infanzia. This year it will be hosted in the beautiful setting of Palazzo Te on Saturday, February 18th, 2023.
Aspettando Santa Lucia

"Waiting for St. Lucy" is the signature event Segni d'infanzia dedicated to this special holiday of Northern Italy.
Segni New Generations Festival 2022

The 2022 SEGNI Festival is also online with special content, interviews, podcasts and workshops.
Aspettando Segni Festival 2022 - Ciclofficina

Discover tutorials for turning your bike into a Fantastic Animal.
Segni d'Autunno 2021

The 2021 SEGNI festival is both off and online with a programming of performances available until Nov. 30th and lots of extra content that can always be viewed.
Il Concorso del festival

A program of content where you can find lots of ideas and inspiration to experiment with new techniques, explore the themes of the Chameleon edition, and participate in the "Color (and Tell) the Chameleon Contest."
Esplora la memoria

Four appointments in four different secret places of the Ecomuseum of Rice Fields, Rivers and Rural Landscape of Mantua to find insights and new ways to rediscover the heritage.
Segni d'estate 2021

The SUMMER SEGNI Festival is also ONLINE with a complementary program to the live one, made up of extra content, podcasts, interviews with authors and artists, episodes of an innovative web series and much more.
Take a child to the Theatre

On the occasion of 'World Theatre Day for Children and Young People', which falls on March, 20th, at an abnormal time when the theatres are still closed, we want to give all children a small gift with the free viewing of the play "Hermit".
Il Carnevale di Mantova 2021

The Children's Carnival in Mantua, signed by Segni d'infanzia associazione, has a long tradition and is linked to some of the city's most beautiful places of art.
Speciale Natale 2020

The 2020 SEGNI Festival is back on the air for the festive season with lots of new content designed for Christmas.
Segni New Generations Festival 2020

15th Edition of SEGNI, International Festival of Art and Theatre for the New Generations in Mantua, city of art and culture, from October 31st to November 8th 2020!
Segni projects
365 days a year of artistic projects for the new generations and the adults connected to them, including national contests, projects about European cooperation and fighting educational poverty.
Segni su misura
A space for co-planning between Segni and all organizations that would like to start a dialogue with the new generations
Segni production
All things produced and coproduced by the Association: shows, workshops and cultural events for children, teenagers and people of all ages.