Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction is a project that won for three years (2019, 2020 and 2022) the Ministerial Call for Proposals “Boarding Pass Plus” (MiC) and made it possible to launch a series of actions to promote networking among operators and programmers of Youngsters’ Theatre, to foster the process of internationalisation of performances and to enhance the role of Italian artistic directors of festivals dedicated to childhood and youth.
The reflection initiated by the 6 partner festivals – Segni d’infanzia with SEGNI New Generations Festival, Associazione culturale di promozione sociale Lagru (Sant’Elpidio – FM) with I Teatri del Mondo, Factory Compagnia Transadriatica and Principio Attivo Teatro (Lecce) with Kids festival, Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro (Empoli – FI) with Teatro fra le Generazioni, La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi (Bologna) with Visioni di Teatro, Visioni di futuro, Teatro al quadrato (Tarcento – UD) with Trallalero/Festival – together with ASSITEJ Italia and in collaboration with Liv.in.g. continues in 2023 with new exchange opportunities to enhance and continue networking, to find solutions to maintain effective international relations in times of pandemic and beyond.
Italian and foreign operators interested in the project will be able to:
- nominate their festival as a stage of the project, hosting a Chain Reaction presentation
- indicate interesting festivals to visit, which are not part of the current project network
For more information:
For activities in 2023-2024 visit chainreaction.it
Cristina Cazzola | cri.cazzola@gmail.com (project coordinator)
Follow the Chain Reaction FB page
Project Partners:
Segni d’infanzia (leader)
Associazione culturale di promozione sociale Lagru, Sant’Elpidio (FM)
Factory Compagnia Transadriatica e Principio Attivo Teatro, Lecce (LE)
Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro, Empoli (FI)
La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi, Bologna (BO)
Teatro al quadrato, Tarcento (UD)
in collaboration with Liv.in.g.
Project with the contribution of MiC