The TICKET OFFICE opens for the 17th edition of SEGNI New Generations Festival: reservations kick off starting Monday, Sept. 26.
From Sept. 26 at L.C. Volta Street, 9/B, headquarters of the association Segni d’infanzia and from Thursday, Oct. 27 at L. B. Alberti Square, Sala delle Colonne.
Online at vivaticket.com and at circuit outlets.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday from 12:00 to 18:00.
During the festival from October 29 to November 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
1) By calling the ticket office and confirming your reservation with payment by bank transfer (within 48 h for afternoon and evening events | within 10 days for school events).
2) Online at vivaticket.com (pre-sale fees and service fees expected) with ticket pickup at the venue of the first booked event. PLEASE NOTE If tickets for some events are no longer available online, it is recommended to contact the festival box office to check onsite availability.
3) At the ticket office in Mantua. Electronic payment is preferred (except for the performance Histoire de Babar).
There are no ticket refunds except in case of cancellation of the event due to force majeure.
PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to enter the hall when the event has started, and there are no refunds for late arrival.
Reservations required through eventbrite.com.
PLEASE NOTE: Reservation through eventbrite is also required for “WAITING FOR SEGNI FESTIVAL” events.
Single ticket € 8.00 (from 18 months, up to 99 years)
School ticket € 7.00 per student
Teachers and educators: free
Disabled person: reduced € 5.00
Companion of person with disabilities: free
– For families: the purchase of 4 events for at least 1 adult and 1 child/youth entitles you to a € 1 reduction on all tickets.
– For schools: the purchase of at least three different events by the same school entitles the school to € 6.00 reduced tickets.
Phone +39.0376.752882 biglietteria@segnidinfanzia.org
With the start of the week, in fact, schools and families can contact the ticket office by phone at 0376.752882, during opening hours – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, while on Tuesdays and Thursdays also from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturdays from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. – to reserve seats for the performances, workshops and discussion spaces scheduled at the festival from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6, 2022. Phone reservations must then be confirmed, in the case of ticketed events, by bank transfer and emailing the receipt. Tickets, on the other hand, can be purchased at any time at vivaticket.com.
Front office operations at the ticket office on Via Leopoldo Camillo Volta, 9/B – home to the offices of the Segni d’infanzia association, in Valletta Valsecchi – will be limited, but possible during public opening hours.
Instead, reservations for free events should be made through eventbrite.it by searching for the event title directly on the platform.
Downloadable from the segnidinfanzia.org website
Consultable on the segninonda.org platform.
AGE The age from which viewing is recommended is indicated for each event, in ascending order in the shows and workshops section. All events are suitable for curious adults of all ages, even unaccompanied by children.
DATE AND DURATION Please note, some events are repeated several days at different times.
The box office is always available for advice and information by contacting via e-mail at biglietteria@segnidinfanzia.org or by calling – during opening hours – 0376.752882.
We look forward to seeing you!