ForesTEEN: a project for young people and those connected to them

ForesTEEN is a project dedicated to teenagers aged 15 to 25 and their cultural ecosystem, which includes all individuals who interact with them for various reasons, including parents, friends, educators, cultural/social/theatrical operators, as well as teachers and professors. It aims to innovate the cultural activities for the abovementioned target starting dialoguing with the “so-called teens”, involving a wide network of local and international partners.
The project is active locally with three partner form Mantova (Hike Scs, Alce Nero Soc. Coop Onlus e Fondazione Palazzo Te) and internationally with ten partner from all over Europe (Teatrecentrum (DK), ASSITEJ e.V. / Kinder- und Jugendtheaterzentrum (DE), Menų spaustuvė (LT), Theater De Krakeling (NL, ASSITEJ Srbija (SRB), Théâtre Massalia (FR), La Sala Teatre (ES), Compagnie 22 – Théâtre-danse (FR), CNR Italia and as an associated partner ASSITEJ International.) Discover more about the international ForesTEEN project.
The proposed activities, which are presented in the ForesTEEN Program, involve the sharing of time between adults and teenagers, both young and not-so-young.
The ForesTEEN Program is accessible for all teenagers and young adults who can reach physically the venue or – for digital contents – can join the group online.
The Program is divided into four types of events:
- Dialogue with cultural professionals #PassionTransfer
- Sharing cultural events in the local area and neighboring towns #SharedVision
- Online dialogue with other teens, nationally and internationally #OnlineTAG
- Trips in Italy and abroad through #VisitingExperience, such as the TEEN Academy at Isola del Giglio (Islet in Tuscany).
How does it work?
🗓️ Check the ForesTEEN Program [constantly updated!];
🎭 Choose the events/activities that interest you the most among the 4 categories available (#PassionTransfer; #OnlineTAG; #SharedVision; #VisitingExperience);
🎟️ Purchase or reserve a seat of the chosen event of the schedule*;
👣 Arrive 15 minutes before the start and register yourself at the QR code at the entrance;
🎯 Make sure your ticket is stamped with the ForesTEEN stamp before or after the event;
✍️ Write a brief written review (800 characters) accompanied by a photo, audio, and/or video detailing the experience.
📮 Send the review (named after the Event Name + Link/Event Date), to the “ForesTEEN Ambassadors – CRITICHE” WhatsApp group (JOIN HERE THE DEDICATED WHATSAPP GROUP) or DM it to the @teentheatrenetwork Instagram page or send/drop the review in the association’s mailbox at: Segni d’infanzia Association, via Leopoldo Camillo Volta 9B, Mantova MN 46100 – Italy;
📈 Accumulate points: sending the review make you earn points aimed to increase your cultural knowledge! This will allow you to be selected for the #VisitingExperience as a ForesTEEN Ambassador: international and national trips which the ForesTEEN project covers food and accommodation costs for, thanks to European funding.
Note: If the admission was with fee, you can get a refund by sending the review and showing the stamp on the ticket.
*You can suggest/recommend new activities to be included in the ForesTEEN Program by writing to in order to verify if they can be added to the ForesTEEN Program!
#PassionTransfer: These are appointments (1 or 2 per month) where ForesTEEN Ambassadors are invited to interview and meet different figures from the local, national, and international cultural scene.
💰: In case of paid admission, the ForesTEEN project reimburses you! Remember: To earn points, you must have your ticket stamped (keep it!) and send a review after your participation!
Curiosity: These events are always marked with a fuchsia graphic!
#OnlineTAG: These are online appointments (on Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype) where ForesTEEN Ambassadors digitally meet peers from other European countries on chosen cultural topics.
💰: These appointments are always free; if you need support to connect online, contact us to find a solution together! Remember: Even though they’re free, to earn points you need to send a review of your participation!
Curiosity: They often take place at 6:30 PM and are always marked with an orange graphic!
#SharedVision: These are events and workshop activities in which ForesTEEN Ambassadors are invited to participate as a “critical” audience: shows, concerts, exhibitions, and much more!
💰: In case of paid admission, the ForesTEEN project reimburses you! Remember: To earn points, you must have your ticket stamped (keep it!) and send a review after your participation!
Curiosity: They are always marked with an electric green graphic!
#VisitingExperience: These are trips in Italy and abroad between festivals and events created specifically for the project.
💰: The ForesTEEN project covers partial or total travel expenses, including: travel, accommodation, meals.
Curiosity: They are always marked with an electric blue graphic! ForesTEEN Ambassadors who participate in #VisitingExperience are those who have accumulated more points over the time through active participation in #PassionTransfer, #OnlineTAG, #SharedVision events!
Visit the ForesTEEN Program to stay updated on all scheduled activities:
For more information, contact us on Facebook or Instagram @segnidinfanzia or @teentheatrenetwork, call us at 0376 752417, or email us at
If you are an organization, facility, or theater and you are interested in joining the ForesTEEN Program, please send an email to with the subject “ForesTEEN Program Proposal”.