First Meeting of the ForesTEEN Project

If you are between 15 and 25 years old, come to the meeting to find out about the opportunities!
On Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 5:30 p.m. in Baratta Library, Sala Peppino Impastato (called Colonne) there will be the first ForesTEEN* meeting where boys and girls can learn about the opportunities of the ForseTEEN project that provides meetings, international trips and exchange events with other boys and girls in Italy and abroad.
Booking is not necessary: just show up at 5:30 p.m. at Biblioteca Gino Baratta in Sala Peppino Impastato (down the courtyard!).
For more information you can call 0376/752417 and ask for Monica, otherwise write in DM on Segni instagram or Teen profile
Where? Biblioteca Baratta, Sala Peppino Impastato
When? 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20
Who is it for? Anyone between 15 and 25 years old
Is there a fee? No!
Some references of previous activities carried out!
– TRIPS TO EUROPEAN FESTIVALS (in 2023 NextFestival in Lille, the Assitej Artistic Gathering in Serbia, or to Germany)
– TRIPS TO ITALIAN FESTIVALS (in 2022 to the ORLANDO Festival in Bergamo)
*What is ForesTEEN?
A Creative Europe project with Segni d’nfanzia together with other partners from Italy and seven other EU countries for adolescents and young people aged 15-25, running until 2027.
Segni d’infanzia invites you to take part in the ForesTEEN group through which you have the opportunity to develop ideas for new cultural offerings together with other boys and girls from all over Europe, so as to create networks at the national level and further develop the involvement and participation of children and youth in theaters.
During the meetings we will be addressing sustainability, climate justice and the (cultural) ecosystem in which we live, as one of the goals of ForesTEEN is to strengthen participation and involvement as artistic and political principles.
Help shape the project, travel with us and attend European festivals to exchange ideas with your peers from all over Europe, journalists, Artistic Directors, theater actors: participate in ForesTEEN activities and opportunities for TEENs.