Discover the ant at the ViviValletta Feast

Sunday, May 15, the “Vivi Valletta” Feast returns from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Baden Powell Gardens (Via W.A. Mozart, 28, Mantua).
Organized by Arci Fuzzy the event is made possible thanks to the collaboration of associations and active citizens in the Valletta Valsecchi neighborhood and will include throughout the day activities for children, refreshment stands and the reuse and self-production market “Broccante’s Fair.”
You will also find us at Segni d’infanzia, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. with
Stories and activities to learn more about the symbolic animal of the SEGNI 2022 festival.
In the company of an operator and a young naturalist, the little ones will learn about curiosities and characteristics of the ant: tiny insect with great superpowers. With magnifying glass in hand and after listening to a story, they will experience in a fun activity the special way ants communicate and move through the landscape.
By Lucia Rastelli and Valentina Vitali
For families and children ages 5 to 10 years old
Two rounds of 45 min
Free admission
The image used for the news cover is taken from the book "Il saggio mondo delle formiche" (The Wise World of Ants) by Philip Bunting, Caissa Italia editions