Waiting for Saint Lucy

Created for Comune di Mantova

Saint Lucy’s Day, held very dear by the people in Mantua, was the occasion in 2018 for Assessorato alle Politiche per la Famiglia e la Genitorialità, Infanzia e Adolescenza, Conciliazione e Pari Opportunità and Assessorato alla Pubblica Istruzione del Comune to ask Segni d’infanzia to design an event that could become a collective ritual in between tradition and high culture, a distinctive moment leaving a trace in children’s memory. A magic moment for sharing across generations, savouring the time of waiting and experiencing a tradition together.

The Association has created a spectacular event: a boat arrives at the lake’s shore, carrying Saint Lucy’s light – a woman bearing a torch that she will use to light those in the hands of other participants. The procession sets off towards the city, along paths that – different from year to year – go from the lakes to the city centre. Spots which are particularly charming or significant in relation to local history see live music/stories and artists’ performances unfold, until an art location is reached, where a big final show gives participants a chance to exchange traditional greetings over a cup of hot chocolate. The – slow – time of walking meets the time of entertainment and a ritual is born.

Since 2018 Segni d’infanzia realizes this event of such excitement usually on December, the 12th at dusk and each year takes different shapes. Check the latest editions of “Aspettando Santa Lucia” on our digital platform segninonda.org.

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