Children Families Schools

E se diventi farfalla

Inspired by a line by Italian poet Alda Merini, the E se diventi farfalla (If you become a butterfly) project employs artistic language and creativity to combat educational poverty. In the period 2018-2022 Segni d’infanzia and other organizations throughout Italy have been and will be committed to developing formats for supplementary activities in nursery schools, aimed at families with children aged 0-6. These will involve several actors in the area and will promote forms of public/private cooperation.

The project chosen by Con i Bambini social enterprise – in the framework of the Fund against child educational poverty – experiments with the use of creativity as a resource to fight poverty in 9 Italian regions (Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardia, Piemonte, Puglia, Sicilia, Veneto, Basilica, Toscana)

For further information:
Follow the E se diventi farfalla facebook page

Partners in the project:

Project supported by:

Fondazione Con i Bambini